Spring 2015 MP3 – Should Students Grade Their Teachers?

           Mr. Fudens' email address:  mfudens@schools.nyc.gov

           SIPs Graphic Organizer Due Date: 5/15/15

           Essay Due Date:  5/25/15

           Your essay can be emailed or typed out and handed in to me.           


                LOOK BELOW

Read the Context, Task and Prompt FIRST.  Then proceed to write your essay after reading the article. 

Be sure to visit the page: http://physed2003.educatorpages.com/200302 in order to see how your assignment will be graded.   

My email address is listed above and feel free to visit my home page at www.physed2003.educatorpages.com.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.



                Recently, the educational system across the country has been under much scrutiny as more and more children are graduating high school without having the skills to be successful in college.  Now, many new teacher evaluation systems are being implemented in order to create more effective teachers.  One aspect of some systems requires that students be responsible for grading their teachers and that their grade be counted as part of the teachers overall rating. 


               Read the articles at the bottom of this page that discuss having students grade their teachers and the potential impacts that it could have.  Then, using information from the text, write an argumentative paper addressing the prompt below.  Please feel free to do additional research on this topic, but if you do, be sure to properly cite your resources.


              More and more students are currently graduating high school without being ready for college.  While many people feel teacher ratings should incorporate grades given by students, others feel that students aren’t responsible, mature and aware enough to be put in that position.  Do you feel that students should grade their teachers and have that grade count as part of a teachers overall rating? 


In your essay, be sure to

  • establish a precise and credible position that responds appropriately to the prompt.
  • explain your position with claim(s), reasons, and evidence from the texts.
  • analyze explicit ideas/information from texts and interpret the authors’ meaning and purpose.
  • refer to sources when appropriate.
  • discuss and respond to counterclaim(s) or alternate claims and/or evidence.
  • represent content from reading materials accurately.
  • order ideas and information within and across paragraphs and uses appropriate transitional words/phrases in a way that allows the audience to follow the argument.
  • include a conclusion that supports the position.
  • use language and tone appropriate to the audience and purpose.
  • demonstrate a command of standard English conventions.




Article 1: 



Article 2:



Article 3:



Article 4:
